Are you following every Law of Attraction principle and sometimes struggle to manifest? Most people do at some point on their LOA journey. This is normally because we have limiting beliefs that hold us back from manifesting our hearts desore. Many people don't realise they have capped their true potential through experiences they had as a child. You might think its crazy but it's true. We have all had little voices in our heads telling us 'youre not good enough', 'you cant be a success', 'you don't deserve it', 'there's not enough to go round'. These are what we call 'Limiting Beliefs', they're decisions we've made about ourself at some point in our childhood and we're re-living these decisions every day in our adult life. These beliefs literally hold us back from achieveing our true potential.
If you want to check out if you have any limiting beliefs and you want to have a go at clearing them for good, then join world renowned Lynda Dyer on her FREE webinar this Thursday at 8pm. Lynda was filmed for the movie The Secret, she was Bob Procters right hand girl and she was recently a Master at the Mastes Gathering in San Diego.
Don’t Become Complacent
If you are getting outstanding results, riding the crest of a wave of success is no guarantee of continued success. Many people have made such an error and it has cost them dearly. They became complacent.
I can clearly remember when APECO, American Photo Copy Equipment Company dominated the photocopy market. APECO was a giant; they were successfully selling their photocopiers in 152 countries. In fact, they were the first to bring a photocopier into the office environment. A piece of equipment which, today, is almost a necessity in every office.
Meanwhile a gentleman from Rochester, New York was looking for a way to make a piece of equipment that would turn out a better copy. Since that is what Chester Carelson was looking for, that is exactly what he found. Today, everyone around the world recognizes Xerox and hardly anyone remembers APECO, because they have vanished.
The marketplace is very fickle. When you present a better or more efficient product, the people go with it. That’s progress.
The poet Braely penned this:
For the best verse hasn’t been rhymed yet.
The best house hasn’t been planned.
The highest peak hasn’t been climbed yet.
The mightiest rivers aren’t spanned.
Don’t worry and fret, faint hearted.
The chances have just begun.
For the best jobs haven’t been started.
The best work hasn’t been done.
Invest a few minutes today and every day thinking of ways to do whatever you are doing better. You could be doing your job well, you might even be the best, but I can assure you there is always a Chester Carelson lurking in the wings. Keep doing what you did to win. Keep improving what you are doing.
Don’t Think In Reverse
You will never obtain any measure of material wealth if you insist upon living your life as if you were looking back through the rear view mirror of an automobile. Nevertheless, this seems to be a common error, which many people have turned into a habit. Remember the old adage which says, let the dead bury the dead. Stop looking back in your life and worrying about things which have already occurred and which you can no longer alter. Pursuing that kind of mental activity will never lead to anything worthwhile in your life.
You should understand moreover, that all of the great achievers of the past have been visionary figures. They were men and women who projected into the future and did not belabor over the past. They thought of what could be, rather than what already was, and then they moved themselves into action, bringing these things into fruition.
Leland Val Vandewall offers some excellent advice on this subject. Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around us in awareness.
If you have been guilty of allowing your sales sheets, your bank account or the x-rays the doctor takes of your body, to control the way you view your sales, financial position, or health, you will never see any marked improvement in your life in any of these areas. However, if you let the present, physical results serve only as an indication of the images, which you have been holding in the past and then proceed to look into the bright future and to build an image of the good that you desire; you will see the image materialize.
Look up, look ahead and form the image of the life you choose to live.
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it was really helpful
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